Fully Opening NASA Research Data To The Public - SpaceRef

abernard102@gmail.com 2015-11-09


"In 2013 the White House told NASA and other government agencies that they needed to make the results of their research more readily available to the public. In so doing the White House said that agencies needed to make research publications that had been available only for a fee available for free within 12 months of their publication. The public plaid for this science, the public should have access to it .. In December 2014 NASA replied the White House's request for a plan with 'NASA Plan for Increasing Access to the Results of Scientific Research'. The plan deals with two major classes of information: data sets and peer-reviewed publications. NASA said that it would be implementing a system to provide open access to NASA research results to the public by October 2015. It is November 2015 and NASA has no such system in place - at least nothing that has been publicly mentioned. Nothing is mentioned on the NASA CIO webpage or theNASA Open Government page ..."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com


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Date tagged:

11/09/2015, 08:08

Date published:

11/09/2015, 03:08