Contribution of India to Universe of Knowledge in DOAJ: A Case Study | Nashipudi | International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology 2015-11-20


[Abstract] The primary aim of this study was to measure quantitatively the scholarly journals contributed to the universe of knowledge which were produced with full immediate Open Access (OA) from 2003 to 2013.A survey of the open access journals indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is followed for this study. India has reached to about 197 journals which show a growth of 15 times the amount of scholarly literature published from India in a year. By 2013 India is producing open access journals in almost all the disciplines of the universe of knowledge. The open access publishing has proved the dynamic attribute of universe of knowledge. India's contribution with 649 open access journals is significant towards the growth of universe of knowledge. Indian contribution to the growth of universe of knowledge is optimum. The present study would demonstrate the value of publishing in the OA journals and thereby giving their contributions for the growth of universe of knowledge.


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11/20/2015, 08:20

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11/20/2015, 03:19