The Gold OA Landscape 2011-2014: additional info « Walt at Random 2015-12-19


"I’m working on a big OA roundup for Cites & Insights, and was noting a ScienceNews article that began with a frequently-stated false statement: that most OA journals charge APCs. But I noted that the author was Indian, and took a look: For India (as represented by DOAJ-listed journals I regarded as serious), he’s right: a slight majority of the 438 journals do charge APCs (53.7%). That’s readily available in the book, in Chapter 6. But I also thought: what about DOAJ-listed journals that I graded 'C' (and so did not include in the main analysis)? Turns out that almost a third of those 312 journals are published in India—it’s second only to the United States (but the United States publishes 996 serious OA journals, compared to India’s 438) ..."


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12/19/2015, 08:31

Date published:

12/19/2015, 03:31