Open Humanities Press announces FEEDBACK 2013-07-02


"This is to announce the full operation of Feedback, a theory-driven Humanities weblog publication under the auspices of Open Humanities Press (, and to fervently solicit your active participation in its readership and contents. The publication arises as part of a dual effort to 1) render the insights and bearings of contemporary critical theory disposable to current rapid-fire transformations taking place in the terrestrial ecosystem, information and communications, demographics, the arts, and related areas of cultural activity; 2) to effect a transition from the dominant discourse-parameters and publication formats in conventional academic publications to the communication and interactivity now facilitated by the electronic media. Feedback is the umbrella for eleven largely autonomous but closely interrelated desks covering the following areas: Aesthetics, Comparative Media, Film, Education, Literature, New Ecologies, Performance, Science, Sexualities, Theory, and Urbanities. Inquiries and solicitations should be addressed to the desk chiefs who have assumed editorial duties in the respective areas – or to us, Editorial.  Feedback is a website that is an outgrowth of open-access publishing and the social contracts surrounding authorship and intellectual property known as the Creative Commons. A good measure of any excitement that the publication generates arises in the collective, non-profit ethos in which such technological innovations as WordPress and such compendia and data-bases as the Wikipedia were created. Feedback’s parent organization, Open Humanities Press, is establishing itself as a leading electronic publisher in the theory-driven Humanities ..."


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07/02/2013, 18:05

Date published:

07/02/2013, 14:12