Will University Presses be the new winners in Open Access publishing? : Publishing Technology

abernard102@gmail.com 2016-02-14


"On 4 February, the European University Association (EUA) – a representative organisation of more than 800 universities in 47 European countries – published its ‘Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications’. The term ‘roadmap’ implies a motion towards something, but where exactly is Open Access going, and which stakeholders stand to benefit the most? There is currently a hefty political push towards OA at both national and EU levels, and the current Dutch EU Council Presidency has identified OA as one of its priority areas. The premise is that there is a seismic shift towards an open and networked way of publishing research with real political weight behind it. Gold or Green Open Access to scientific peer-reviewed publications is a key part of this phenomenon, facilitated by rapid developments in creating and publishing scholarly – and particularly scientific – content. Sharing, discovering and disseminating such content remains a major issue of course, with much valuable OA research confusingly hidden in multiplicities of hard-to-find silos ..."



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Date tagged:

02/14/2016, 09:42

Date published:

02/14/2016, 04:41