New Publication Prices at PeerJ – PeerJ Blog 2016-02-23


"PeerJ has just passed its third year of publishing high quality science in the most efficient, cost effective, and open way possible. In that time we have published more than 1,700 peer-reviewed articles and 2,100 preprints; we have launched a new journal; we have released open source software to support the community; we have supported and advocated for many good causes; we have gained the support of over 160 major international institutions; and we have innovated in almost every aspect of academic publishing. We are proud of what we have achieved and we look forward to the future and to continuing to deliver on our mission of affordable, quick, and high quality Open Access scholarly publishing. We want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our early supporters – all those people who have believed in PeerJ since its launch. We pursued the vision of PeerJ with the belief that academics were looking for a more reasonable Open Access pricing option. That belief has been fulfilled. We have enjoyed extremely strong support from many important advocates; we have been able to attract a world-class Editorial Board and world-class authors; we have developed a highly respected publishing system; and we have made a real difference in the world. We have been able to do this because we are pursuing a mission to deliver a publication experience that surpasses all other major journals, but at a fraction of the normal cost to authors. Our plans for the future are to continue investing in significant internal development, which will allow us to deliver an even better author experience, but still at a rock bottom price. We’re also extremely mindful of PeerJ’s founding principles on affordable high-quality Open Access for all. That’s still our goal, and so we’ve strived to ensure that at the end of the day, the value authors get from PeerJ surpasses all other major Open Access options. To succeed in our mission we’re making a few changes to how we price things. With current and future benefits in mind, some prices are going up, some are staying the same, and some things are improving straight away ..."


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Date tagged:

02/23/2016, 09:23

Date published:

02/23/2016, 04:23