Libraries are Leading the Charge in Open-Access Publishing Revolution — Blog — Foreword Reviews 2016-03-02


"At long last, a large institution has thrown its weight behind open access. A large group of institutions, actually. The Oberlin Group, which is made up of a bunch of libraries from institutes of higher education across the United States, is taking responsibility for getting scholars published in open access, at no cost to either the end reader or the author of the work. The project is called Lever Press, and it may just be revolutionary. Those who follow academia may recognize institutional acceptance of default open access as something of an ideological shift in academic publishing. Normally, scholarly work undergoes a routine song and dance in order to make it to e-readers and bookshelves ..."


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Date tagged:

03/02/2016, 19:08

Date published:

03/02/2016, 14:08