Researcher: Forced Open Access gives poorer research - Althing: forskningsformidling 2016-04-15


"Danish researchers hit hard by the Open Access policy, which outsiders forced upon us by universities and research institutions. The freedom of research be suspended because forced to Open Access in many ways detract from the quality of research. The traditional publication form functioning optimally. All manuscripts of quality was published, and the journals could afford to provide high service and process the articles to a high quality. Now I can not send my manuscript to the best magazine if this journal requires payment - more than half of the world Open Access articles published by researcher payment. My institution does not have funds to pay perhaps $ 3,000 - with the current dollar exchange rate will be 78,204 kroner - the four articles I write each year - some magazines stands at $ 3,500, representing 91,240 kr ..."


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04/15/2016, 20:32

Date published:

04/15/2016, 16:32