Google Books decision could have important implications for future copyright policy - TeleRead News: E-books, publishing, tech and beyond 2016-04-27
"On Publishers Weekly, Andrew Albanese has a post-mortem looking at the overall effects of the recent Supreme Court decision not to hear the Google Books copyright case. Albanese makes some cogent observations about each affected party or principle in turn, suggesting that the case has gone on for so long by now that not much actually changed with the decision to let the lower-court ruling stand. The Authors Guild didn’t lose anything that it actually already had. There is no evidence that its members have suffered any actual harm from the book scanning that’s gone on for over a decade now. The majority of books that were scanned are academic works not written by Authors Guild authors, and many of those are orphan works for whom no rights holder can be located. All the Guild really lost was a potential market for licensing online search rights for their books—which US copyright law wouldn’t have granted them anyway ..."