oa.new, oa.policy, oa.mandates, oa.ir, oa.repositories, oa.green, oa.tu_delft, oa.netherlands,
abernard102@gmail.com 2016-04-30
"As of 1 May 2016 the so-called Green Road to Open Access publishing is mandatory for all (co) authors at TU Delft. The (co)author must publish the final accepted author’s version of a peerreviewed article with the required metadata in the TU Delft Institutional Repository. TU Delft Library is mandated by TU Delft’s Executive Board to facilitate the Open Access process, e.g. by harvesting content, verifying copyrights including legal approval, and making TU Delft output accessible through Open Access in the TU Delft Institutional Repository. The so-called Golden Road financed by the TU Delft Open Access Fund will be used as an Open Access option in the national and bilateral negotiations with a variety of publishers in which TU Delft Library takes part ..."