Incentive to share your data: how to get cited | Political Science Replication 2013-07-11


"A workshop recap by the Open Economics Working Group has a great section on how to create incentive structures for scholars to share their work. The main goal is to make your data citable – and here’s how to make it work ... [1] The Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is one of the oldest data repositories in the U.S. and currently develops open access data as a new product: researchers publish their original data, tied with data citation and DOI, and download statistics (see more in workshop slidesby Amy Pienta from the ICPSR) ...  [2] The DataVerse Network is self-serviced by authors [I publish my teaching materials there], that was originally only for social scientists and now opens up to all disciplines (see slides by Mercè Crosas from the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University).  [3] An alternative is DataCite, which provides DOIs for data and usage statistics and reports. They have now started a new initiative to create researchers’ profiles with their listed data output (see slides by Joan Starr from DataCite, California Digital Library). [4] Finally, a way to push for even more citations, or 'better' ones than just a data set, is a data paper. According to Brian Hole (Ubiquity Press) a 'data paper' means that data are stored in a public repository together with a short data paper – and this paper also can be cited. A data paper should describe the methodology with which a dataset was compiled, the data itself and how the data could be used (see more in his slides)."


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07/11/2013, 12:41

Date published:

07/11/2013, 08:41