Open Access Publishing Fund renewed for second year | The University Daily Kansan 2013-07-16


"University of Kansas Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Jeff Vitter has renewed support for a second year of funding for the “One University” Open Access Publishing Fund. 'One University' provides $25,000 of funding to University staff and graduate student authors, and makes their published research available through an online database. The University announced in an online news release that Vitter renewed support for the author’s fund, 'to encourage open access scholarship at KU’s Lawrence campus and the KU Medical Center.' In 2009, KU became the first public university in the United States to institute an open access policy for peer-reviewed journals. The $25,000 fund is intended to assist authors who have not received grant funding. The funding covers the cost of article processing fees of up to $2,000."


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Date tagged:

07/16/2013, 07:28

Date published:

07/16/2013, 03:27