e-InfraNet: ‘Open’ as the default modus operandi for research and higher education

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-08-20


"e-InfraNet: ‘Open’ as the default modus operandi for research and higher education is a policy paper about open access to content and infrastructure. e-InfraNet: ‘Open’ as the default modus operandi for research and higher education is a policy paper by SURF commissioned by the European Commission about open access to content and infrastructure. This was done within the e-InfraNet project. Various European opinion leaders and technical experts from higher education and research worked together on the e-InfraNet project, in which the Netherlands was represented by SURF. The findings of the e-InfraNet policy report include: an assessment of the openness of the current landscape within European higher education and research; an overview of current international policy developments; and an overview of worldwide developments and initiatives. In its broadest sense, ‘Open’ encompasses: open access to research literature; open data; open educational resources; open infrastructure and open standards; open source software and open development; open education; open peer review; open research; and open innovation. European opinion leaders and experts examined the context, motivations, developments and results of each of the ‘Opens’, revealing a collection of joint benefits and issues. Their study resulted in the recommendation for a coordinated policy approach, able to benefit all forms of ‘Open’."



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Date tagged:

08/20/2013, 16:08

Date published:

08/20/2013, 12:08