An Opportunity for Your Campus to Support Open Access: Encourage your Provosts to sign Open Letter in Support of FASTR | SPARC 2013-09-17


Use the link to access the full text letter described in the following post: "Fresh on the heels of last week's (September 10, 2013) well-attended Congressional briefing exploring the issue of public access to taxpayer funded research, a groundswell of support is taking shape in the academic community for the proposed Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR) bill. This important bipartisan bill introduced into both the House and the Senate in February,  now has a growing list of higher education leaders who have signed an open letter underscoring their – and their campuses – support for FASTR. The "Open Letter to the Higher Education Community" is a joint effort by SPARC, ARL, and COAPI asking member librarians to encourage your provosts and presidents to add their names in support this important legislation. The letter and the current list of signatories are posted below. FASTR has been widely supported by the academic community, as it speaks directly to the core mission of the higher education community – the advancement of knowledge. FASTR will accelerate scientific discovery and fuel innovation by making articles reporting on publicly funded scientific research freely accessible online for anyone to read and build upon. To learn more about the proposed legislation go to our national advocacy page. If your institution is interested in signing on to this letter, please email Andrea Higginbotham at to add a signature to this support letter ..."


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Date tagged:

09/17/2013, 09:33

Date published:

09/17/2013, 05:33