The Tree of Life: Really? Nature put the #HeLa genome paper behind a paywall? Time for Nature Publishing Group to return ALL money obtained from genome papers 2013-09-18


" ... As I have written about many many times - Nature Publishing Group many years ago promised to make papers reporting genome sequence data freely available.  They do not generally live up to this promise well ... Today I discovered that not only are some important genome papers not freely available but one for the ages - the paper on the HeLa genome - reported with much fanfare recently as a triumph of an agreement with the family of Henrietta Lacks - is only available if you pay .. Once again I call on Nature Publishing Group to publicly disclose all financial gains that have come from people paying for the these genome papers and for the money to be returned ..."


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Date tagged:

09/18/2013, 07:51

Date published:

09/18/2013, 03:51