What do Italian Researchers think about Open Research Data?

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-09-28


"Last year, from August to December 2012, the Italian National Open Access Desk conducted a survey to find out what researchers and all the people involved with research in universities and research centres were doing with reference to research data archiving, management and access policies. The aim was to produce an overview of the state of the art of research data production, management and sharing in Italy, and to investigate researchers opinions and attitudes towards a potential National infrastructure for data storage, curation and preservation. The survey addressed more than 1240 directors of research departments in universities and research institutions, who where then requested to disseminate the survey among their researchers. The survey structure was inspired by a similar research carried out in 2008 in UK, published in ARIADNE*. The Italian survey was divided in three sections: [1] 14 questions about production, management and access to research data. This section aimed at understanding researchers behavior towards data production and management in their discipline; their opinion about other researchers accessing their data; their behavior towards accessing to third-party data (governmental, industry, etc.); and their attitudes towards sharing or not their data. [2] 2 questions about data formats and storage. This section intends to investigate on researchers’ production of data, usage of data formats used and storage media adoptions/preferences. [3] 2 questions about National infrastructure for research data management and preservation. The last section was devoted to explore researchers opinion about the implementation of a National infrastructure for research data and on its functionalities. The total number of respondents is 334; they are mainly university researchers, while a low percentage of them is affiliated with public research institutions ..."



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Date tagged:

09/28/2013, 08:34

Date published:

09/28/2013, 04:33