inspirehep: Enabling data sharing, citation, and discovery 2013-10-03


"We are familiar with the critical role of INSPIRE in searching for papers, following references, tracking citations, and providing author profiles.  Now INSPIRE is taking steps to extend this service to data, thus creating a rich new layer to the information system of high energy physics. Historically, papers have been the primary means for scientific communication; however, it is common to augment papers with data.  The Durham HepData project has hosted this type of data for several years, and since last year, HepData is integrated with INSPIRE.  Some papers have several datasets associated to it, so each dataset is given a unique, persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI).  Not only do these DOIs ensure that you can find the data, but they also provide a clear way to cite the data ... In addition to data coming from HepData, INSPIRE now supports data hosted in other third-party data repositories such as Figshare or The Dataverse Network ..."


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10/03/2013, 09:17

Date published:

10/03/2013, 05:17