Would you share your genetic data with the world in the name of science? We talk to Wellcome Trust in Hinxton | Cambridge News | Health | Health-news

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-11-10


"A research recruitment drive has attracted national attention this week after stating the 100,000 volunteers it requires will have to make all their genetic and health information publicly available in the name of science. Personal Genome Project UK (PGP-UK) will work on an ‘open consent’ basis, meaning participants will receive no guarantee of anonymity and confidentiality. Despite organisers claiming they anticipate no shortage of participants, human rights campaign groups have been quick to condemn the approach. The project, which mirrors a US study launched in 2005, aims to provide a freely accessible bank of information that can be used by scientists around the world who look at how genes influence diseases, the way medicines work and how environment impacts on the human genome. Research is being led by scientists at Oxford University and Kings College London, while genome sequences are being contributed by the Wellcome Trust – a global charity which funds Hinxton’s Sanger Institute and its own genome research ..."



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Date tagged:

11/10/2013, 08:03

Date published:

11/10/2013, 03:03