Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL) 2013-12-03


"Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles and essays that describe, theorise and reflect on teaching and learning practice in higher education. The editors welcome contributions that are critical and well-researched, whether they are analytical, theoretical or practice-based, as well as contributions that deal with innovative and reflective approaches to teaching and learning. We are particularly interested in articles that have relevance to the South African educational context ...Submissions are invited from researchers and practitioners in higher education studies. CriSTaL is currently seeking contributions to the June and December 2014 issues.  The deadline for papers to be considered for the June 2014 issue is 15 January 2014.  The deadline for papers to be considered for the December 2014 issue is 30 June 2014.  The editors welcome contributions that are critical and well-researched, whether they are analytical, theoretical or practice-based, as well as contributions that deal with innovative and reflective approaches to teaching and learning. We are particularly interested in articles that have relevance to the South African educational context.  Please email the managing editor, Sherran Clarence, with any queries ( To send us a paper for consideration, please register as an author, and consult the submission guidelines here."


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Date tagged:

12/03/2013, 16:52

Date published:

12/03/2013, 11:52