DOAJ directory of 10,000 scientific open access journals 2013-12-13


[From Google's English] "Established in 2003, DOAJ  (Directory of Open Access Journals) is a directory of open access journals which just passed the 10,000 mark journals. Before being incorporated into the repertoire, these journals are subject to a ray from the team DOAJ several criteria of quality and openness ... These journals cover all topics. Some have only a few hundreds of readers while others are known worldwide. Their common point is choosing open access as a means of dissemination. For ten years, the aim of DOAJ is to provide a single point of access to these journals and their articles to make them better known, with a gain (intangible) for some users DOAJ like the editors of these journals .  These journals are a welcome alternative to paying conventional journals (and some expensive), inaccessible to many libraries, including in developing countries. Through these reviews, the results of research are made freely available to all, rich or poor, while maintaining control mechanisms proven (peer, proofreading articles).  DOAJ can be integrated into any catalog managed by a university library or research (and other interested organizations). The public of these libraries and other organizations has immediate access to 10,000 free digital magazines - with searchable by item for half of them - next to paid subscriptions managed internally.  In an interview dated from 15 September 2013 ,  two librarians from the University Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne explain that - thanks to DOAJ and other sources - their basic digital magazines now includes more scientific open access journals (9,200 magazines) as paid access journals (6,800 journals) ..."


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12/13/2013, 16:47

Date published:

12/13/2013, 11:47