Relation Between Medieval Renaissance and Today's Open Knowledge Dissemination 2013-12-13


Use the link to access the full text article posted to figshare.  The abstract reads as follows: "Time has shown us how zero control by a handful of individuals over the society and complete control of the community, as a whole, over itself brings about positive changes. Less the control by individuals or groups and more the control of the complete set of individuals, more is the positive change. The history of the printing press is a case in point. While history made a mockery of the control-freaks, it proved right the few individuals, who believed in the intellectual capacity of the masses. Intellectual Nazism should be a thing of the past and we should move away from such self-defeating practices."


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Date tagged:

12/13/2013, 17:42

Date published:

12/13/2013, 12:42