Is Nobel Laureate Randy Scheckman being a hypocrite? Bollocks. 2013-12-16


"Whoa. Some serious debate flying around after the newly minted Nobel Laureate and Editor-in-Chief of eLife wrote that journals like Nature, Cell, and Science are damaging science.  On one side you find the supporters, such as co-founder of PLOS and UC Berkeley Professor Mike Eisen, who hopes Randy’s actions can inspire others. In the other corner are the haters shouting hypocrisy. The way I see it, Randy had two options: 1. Say/do nothing at all, and thus inspire no one to take action. 2. Do what he did. I’m on Randy’s side here. If we’re going to start making the changes that are needed within academia then someone must speak up, even it comes laden with ad hominem attacks of hypocrisy and conflicts of interest. And note my own COI as a co-founder of the Open Access journal PeerJ. Let’s examine the fallacies of the naysayers’ arguments ..."


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12/16/2013, 17:08

Date published:

12/16/2013, 12:08