Clinical Trials Regulation in Europe – breaking news | All Trials 2013-12-17


"This Friday 20th December the EU’s Clinical Trials Regulation will be voted on at the end of Trilogue discussions between the European Council, Parliament and Commission, Glenis Willmott MEP announced today. We just received this message from Glenis Willmott’s office ... Glenis Willmott has been leading intense negotiations on the legislation and she has worked hard to ensure transparency is at its heart, helped by the hundreds of you who wrote to your MEPs in May and to your Health Ministers in October. Forty European medical, research and patient organisations sent a briefing document to those involved in the negotiations in Europe, urging their support for these amendments in the final vote this Friday. If the EU member states and Parliament agree the additions to Regulation above, it will change the future of clinical trial reporting in Europe and it will be thanks to Glenis and to all of you who wrote to your MEPs and ministers."


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12/17/2013, 08:12

Date published:

12/17/2013, 03:12