Annual report 2013 now available 2014-01-04


"Report shows how Knowledge Exchange has explored new topics and undertaken planned work on research data, sustainable business models for open access services and research tools in the past year. Since the last Strategy Forum in October 2012, the Knowledge Exchange partners have worked on exploring the new topics in the Strategic Plan and on scoping possible work in this area, also taking into account the capacity of partners and the initiative as a whole. In planning the work we have sought collaboration with other international initiatives and projects like the RDA and RDA-Europe, EUDAT, Science Europe, OpenAIRE, LIBER and SPARC. Several highlights presented in the report: [1] CSC becomes member of KE [2] Expert provocation on Open Knowledge [3] Over seventy experts discuss ‘Making data count’ [4] Recommendations to EC for data pilot in Horizon 2020 [5] Global interest in Sustainable OA Services workshop"


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01/04/2014, 13:48

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01/04/2014, 08:48