publishing - Why upload to academic preprint sites like arXiv? - Academia Stack Exchange 2014-02-13


Use the link to access responses to the following question posted on Academia Stack Exchange: "The recent question about the legality of uploading to arXiv made me realize that I don't have any understanding of why one would upload to a preprint site. (I don't work in a field where they seem to be common.) Why would one be concerned about getting a manuscript on arXiv, if it's already under review with a journal? Is it because of the long publishing timeline of journals? (That could explain why computer science — which publishes much more in conferences — doesn't seem to do much with them.) ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.arxiv oa.copyright oa.licensing oa.preprints oa.repositories.disciplinary oa.libre oa.versions oa.repositories

Date tagged:

02/13/2014, 09:13

Date published:

02/13/2014, 04:13