Navigating the wealth of Open Access resources | Practising Development 2014-03-21


"Open Access resources have become increasingly common in recent years, with a wide range of supporters from researchers to publishers and international organisations such as UNESCO. While this can greatly improve a resource’s availability, it is equally important to increase the accessibility and visibility of these resources if they are to make a greater impact. Open access is a key area of interest for INASP and for many years we have been collecting and displaying information about the growing number of resources available on our website. As we have recently launched our new website we were given a great opportunity to reflect on what we are listing, why it was important to list these resources and how we can best display them ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) »

Tags: oa.comment oa.inasp oa.unesco oa.development

Date tagged:

03/21/2014, 10:57

Date published:

03/21/2014, 06:57