Peter Suber - Google+ - One email a day to keep up with open-access developments … 2012-09-22
“The Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) has an email feed for those who don't like RSS, Atom, or Twitter. The email feed delivers one neatly-formatted email per day. At the top is a table of contents with links to OA-related headlines. At the bottom are the same items with short descriptions, summaries, or excerpts. The email two days ago contained 18 items. The email yesterday had 22. Today's email had 37. How much OA news and comment have you been missing? Click here to subscribe. You'll be asked for your email address and the solution to a captcha. That's it. FYI, the email feed is the result of a three-step mashup. First, the crowd of OATP taggers use their favorite social-tagging platforms to tag new OA developments. Second, TagTeam mashes up the results from those separate tagging platforms and creates a unified RSS feed of the items tagged. Finally, Feedburner turns that RSS feed into an email feed. The OATP Twitter feed is made the same way except that in the last step it uses TwitterFeed instead of Feedburner. If you subscribed to the email feed for the old, Connotea-based version of the OATP, it's time to switch over to the email feed for the new, TagTeam-based version of the OATP. To become a tagger and help build the feed, see the OATP handout on the transition to TagTeam.