Alexander Howard - Google+ - New post: *The common thread among the Knight Foundation's… 2012-09-27


"  New post: *The common thread among the Knight Foundation's latest grants: practical application of open data* < > Data, on its own, locked up or muddled with errors, does little good. Cleaned up, structured, analyzed and layered into stories, data can enhance our understanding of the most basic questions about our world, helping journalists to explain who, what, where, how and why changes are happening.  Last week, the Knight Foundation announced the winners of its first news challenge on data. These projects are each excellent examples of working on stuff that matters: they’re collective investments in our digital civic infrastructure. In the 20th century, civil society and media published the first websites. In the 21st century, civil society is creating, cleaning and publishing open data.  The grants not only support open data but validate its place in the media ecosystem of 2012. The Knight Foundation is funding data science, accelerating innovation in the journalism and media space to help inform and engage communities, a project that they consider 'vital to democracy.'  To learn more about what, exactly, these project are about, I interviewed all six winners, along with a journalism program associate from the Knight Foundation:"


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09/27/2012, 11:59

Date published:

09/27/2012, 07:59