Journal Research Data Sharing Policy Bank (JoRD) Survey 2012-10-18


"JoRD (Journal Research Data Policy Bank) is a JISC funded initiative conducting a feasibility study into the scope and shape of a service that will collate and summarise journal policies on Research Data to provide researchers, managers of research data and other stakeholders with a central source of reference to understand and comply with these policies.  JoRD is based at the University of Nottingham in the Centre for Research Communications (CRC). It is being carried out in conjunction with the Research Information Network (RIN) and an external consultant.  This is a survey for researchers. We would like to find out about your opinions/practices concerning research data, data sharing, the policies of journals, and your thoughts on the shape of a policy bank of journal data sharing policies.  The survey contains 20 questions, most of which are of the simple multiple choice type. These should take about 10 minutes. There are also boxes alongside for any comments you wish to make and it is up to you as to how much you want to fill in. The survey is open until the end of Sunday 4th November..."


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Date tagged:

10/18/2012, 08:13

Date published:

10/18/2012, 04:13