Unveiling the Mercedes Agulló y Cobo Digital Library, an Open Access Week event at UMass Boston | Open Archives Hub at UMass Boston

abernard102@gmail.com 2012-10-18


"On Tuesday, October 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., UMass Boston celebrates Open Access Week with the unveiling of the Mercedes Agulló y Cobo Digital Library, an ongoing project of the University Library, University Archives & Special Collections, and the University’s Latin American and Iberian Studies Department. The event will feature light refreshments, as well as remarks by University Librarian Daniel Ortiz and Professor Reyes Coll-Tellechea, among others. With the Agulló Digital Library, UMass Boston provides open, online access to published and unpublished Spanish-language research indices, the life’s work of Spanish historian Mercedes Agulló y Cobo, about Spanish and Latin American history, art, literature and politics – indices that, in their creation, were efforts to remove access barriers to historical materials in Spanish archives and libraries. The digital library serves as one example of efforts on the UMass Boston campus to further scholarship, learning, and research in open access environments and across geographic boundaries. There are currently 13 volumes by Mercedes Agulló y Cobo digitized as part of this online collection and more than 50 volumes are queued for digitization. Dr. Mercedes Agulló y Cobo has served as director of the Museos Municipales de Madrid and over the course of her illustrious career has produced important scholarly reference works in the historiography of the book, painting, sculpture and theater. The University of Massachusetts Boston was granted permission by the original publishers and copyright holders to make these publications available online."



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Date tagged:

10/18/2012, 11:20

Date published:

10/18/2012, 07:20