ANU Research - Open Access Week - Submissions - ANU 2012-10-18
Use the link to access the program of OA Week events at Australian National University. "The University will be celebrating international Open Access Week 2012 with a variety of talks about aspects of the open scholarship agenda. Open Access Week takes place at a time when open access is a particularly hot topic both in Australia and overseas. The recently implemented mandate by the National Health & Medical Research Council, to make all results from funded research openly accessible through an institutional repository, has brought open access into high relief for many Australian researchers.
Researchers at ANU are encouraged to make their work openly accessible through the ANU Research repository service. The repository holds over 4000 open access articles and close to 500 open access theses and we are planning to make even more of our research available through several exciting initiatives.
All members of the University community are invited to participate in Open Access Week by attending one or all of the talks. Each talk will address a separate open-access related topic and will be approximately 30 minutes long with time for discussion. Bring your questions! ... "