Unglue.it Relaunches With a New Payment Service and New Books to “Unglue” (Including a Book About Librarianship) | LJ INFOdocket

abernard102@gmail.com 2012-10-21


"Two months after being forced to shut down by Amazon Payments, Unglue.it is relaunching today with a new payments provider, Stripe, and ungluing campaigns for five books. Unglue.it is a crowdfunding platform that supports authors and publishers in releasing free editions of their books. After successfully raising $7500 to make Ruth Finnegan’s 1970 classic Oral Literature in Africa free to the world, they were forced to suspend their remaining campaigns when Amazon changed its policies on supporting crowdfunding companies. To replace Amazon Payments, Unglue.it has chosen Stripe, a venture-funded startup based in San Francisco. The five books that are being unglued are: [1] So You Want to be a Librarian by Lauren Pressley, a book aimed at students who wonder if a library career is right for them.*** [2] Budding Reader Book Set 1: Cat And Rat (Ten Books) by Melinda Thompson with Melissa Ferrell, a set of books designed to help children learn to read. [3] Love Like Gumbo by Nancy Rawles,  a National Book Award winning coming-of-age story which was one of the first popular novels to tackle this subject from the perspective of a lesbian of color. [4] Obama Search Words by Stephen Black, a collection of facts, stories and photos about the President. [5] The Third Awakening by Dennis Weiser, a macabre, eco-friendly, erotic sci-fi fantasy satire about corporate culture and the superior beings who come to save Earth from itself and human beings from their dark side.



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Date tagged:

10/21/2012, 08:23

Date published:

10/21/2012, 04:23