OATP - Google+ - New stage in the transition of OATP from Connotea to…
abernard102@gmail.com 2012-11-07
"Here's more detail than most users of the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) will care to know. But I post it for those who do.
Today OATP stopped subscribing to Connotea's "oa.new" tag feed.
TagTeam allows OATP taggers to tag from nearly any tagging platform, including Connotea. But taggers who choose Connotea, like taggers who choose a different platform, should tell TagTeam what platform they're using so that TagTeam can capture their work for the project.
Precisely 13 Connotea users have continued to tag for OATP without making that transition. Either they haven't heard about the transition or they decided to keep tagging as if nothing changed and hope for the best. By subscribing to Connotea's 'oa.new' tag feed, OATP has continued to capture the news and comment tagged by these 13 users. The problem is this subscription also continued to capture occasional spam generated by spammers who used the 'oa.new' tag in Connotea.
When I initiated the Connotea-TagTeam transition in September, I decided to take that risk and maintain the general 'oa.new' subscription until spam began to appear in the feed. It started yesterday. So now I've cancelled the subscription.
However, I still want to make life easy for the 13 good-faith Connotea users who have not yet made the transition. While I no longer subscribe to the general 'oa.new' feed from Connotea, I now subscribe to 13 tagger-specific 'oa.new' feeds. TagTeam now subscribes to 13 feeds of this type:
If you occasionally tag for OATP in Connotea and have not made the formal transition to the TagTeam version of the project, you may wonder whether you're one of those 13. You are if (1) you used Connotea to tag for OATP in August, September, or October, and (2) have not made the formal transition. Otherwise you are not.
Either way, if you formerly tagged for OATP from Connotea and want to continue to tag for OATP, from Connotea or another platform (like CiteULike, Delicious, or TagTeam itself), then see the project handout on the transition to TagTeam.