L'open data favorise-t-il nécessairement l'open source ? - Framablog

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-04-18


[From Google's English] "Experts open data agree that governments understand the benefits that they can take to make public their data will also be more use of free and open source. The open data and open source are indeed often face the same resistance: a lack of initial training and a concern for the impact they can have on the organization. 'Using proprietary software to open data is not as useful and relevant than use free software,' says Jeanne Holm, Evangelist data.gov , the U.S. government open data initiative. 'It is easier for organizations, even those who have little means to begin work on a series of public data with open source software. This type of software brings together the knowledge of the entire community. ' Holm was one of the female speakers of the conference on semantic interoperability which took place in Brussels on 18 June 2012. 'I am a strong advocate of open source, so I'm not impartial. However, these programs provide a way for governments to modernize their IT systems as quickly without becoming obsolete with proprietary solutions. ' For Holms, governments should no longer consider open source as controversial. 'All do not see the benefits yet because open source sometimes away from their comfortable situation.' A similar explanation is given by Julia Glidden, an expert on e-government and the executive director of the British company 21c Consultancy. IT services can have millions of excuses not to use open source, she said. 'They can point the finger at the lack of ergonomics, ruggedness, safety and other technical limitations' ..."



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Date tagged:

04/18/2014, 16:00

Date published:

04/18/2014, 08:12