ORCID and CASRAI: Acknowledging Peer Review Activities | About ORCID

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-04-24


"A number of publishers and funders have been integrating ORCID identifiers into their review workflows.  They are now asking us how to post review activity information to ORCID records.  We are pleased to announce a community collaboration, co-chaired by ORCID and F1000 Research and managed by CASRAI, to help us answer that question. Organizations represented on the working group are Autism Speaks, Denison University, Journal of Politics and Religion, Cambridge University Press, American Geophysical Union, ISMTE, Origin Editorial, Sideview, University of Split, and Hypothes.is.   Researchers can spend many hours in a grant review session or in reviewing journals or books.  The quality of this review service is critical for the research process, and in particular for establishing trustworthiness in scholarly communications.  In addition, participation in review panels seems to help researchers to succeed in grant writing.  However,  peer review activities are virtually unacknowledged.  Most journals will provide a listing of reviewers in a single edition of their publication, but this is not a citable resource.  Funders may provide a stipend, but no public acknowlegement that an individual has participated in a review panel.  There are also many other types of activities that could be considered as peer review, such as blue ribbon panels, expert testimony, abstract review, degree supervisions, and more.  Increasingly, the community is asking how such service may be better recognized, both to encourage participation but also to be able to evaluate impact of review service on career development.  The question is, how best to accomodate the broad variety of peer review activities and products in a common citation standard.  And, from our perspective at ORCID, does it make sense to post peer review activity information if there is no persistent identifier or resolvable (open) document to link to an ORCID identifier? ..."



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04/24/2014, 07:44

Date published:

04/24/2014, 03:44