Welcome to Evident - a forum to discuss open practices and the media that defines them - Evident

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-05-03


"This project began in March 2014 with a proposal submitted to the open-science listserv hosted by OKFN. This forum is meant to be an open incubator for ideas. There is no expected outcome. It is expected that the discussion will lead in many different directions, hopefully unexpected ones. Below is the initial proposal. Please post your ideas and questions as new topics on this forum. First you'll need to register for an account. If you have any trouble doing so, or didn't receive your activation email, please email ted@trudat.co. Proposal for a web magazine about culture and lifestyle of open practices The proposal is to begin a dialog about the creation of a magazine devoted to the culture, attitudes and lifestyles of people involved with 'Open' practices: open source, open data, open science, open knowledge, open access, open government, open economy, etc. This subject could also include communities with similar practices and philosophies, such as makers on etsy, artists on deviantArt, askers and answerers on stack exchange, et cetera. The content of the magazine would include human-interest stories, feature articles, interviews, reviews, and other types of content typically found in magazines. The types of content that are discouraged are policy analysis, technical content, and other jargon-heavy and acronym-heavy material. The magazine should be visually engaging, and the content professionally written and editted ..."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป abernard102@gmail.com


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Date tagged:

05/03/2014, 09:02

Date published:

05/03/2014, 05:03