Open Access Tracker Information | Mediterranean Open Access Network | Medoanet 2012-12-16
"The Open Access Tracker brings together information on the growth of different types of open access resources and policies in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, France and Portugal, effectively creating a profile of growth for each country. It draws information on journals, repositories, institutional policies, funder’s policies and publishers’ self-archiving policies from authoritative services, such as DOAJ, SHERPA/RoMEO, SHERPA/Juliet, OpenDOAR, ROARMAP. It also visually presents the growth of these different types of open access resources per country in numbers through time and per year, as recorded in these different services.
The Tracker is intended to encourage the stakeholder community to register its open access resources with these established services from which it draws information in order to increase the accuracy of information regarding open access in the six countries.
If you represent a research funder, research performing organization or publisher in any of these six countries and your open access resources
and/or policies do not appear in the Tracker, please contact the relevant service in order to find out how to register."