Elsevier journal Translational Proteomics endorsed by the Human Proteome Organization

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-05-06


"Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, and the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) are delighted to announce HUPO's affiliation with Elsevier's new, open access journal, Translational Proteomics. HUPO is an international scientific organization that represents and promotes proteomics through worldwide cooperation and collaborations. HUPO plays an essential role in the development and implementation of standards and policies in proteomics research as well as determining how proteins play a role in human health and disease. As such, Elsevier is delighted that its open access journal Translational Proteomics can fill an important need for the organization helping them with the dissemination of translational discoveries ..."



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Date tagged:

05/06/2014, 18:07

Date published:

05/06/2014, 14:07