Author identification in Denmark: ORCID and repositories | Price | ScieCom Info 2012-12-21


Use the link to access the full text article from the open access journal sciecominfo.  The article opens as follows: "In Denmark all 8 universities (and several other institutions in the educational sector) use the same system  to register publications, Pure, from the Danish software vendor Atira A/S1. As yet there is no central repository of bibliographic data which all universities 
could subscribe to, to enable re-use in local repositories: each university must ensure ingest of 
bibliographic data into local systems, by methods which fit in with local conditions. There are several methods used: central registration by libraries, the researchers themselves register publications, or the method could be a 'proxy model', whereby a local super-user registers publications for local research groups. Probably in many cases there is a mix of different methods.A central issue which goes directly to the heart of issues involved in the registration of research publications, is the correct identification of a researcher, the researcher’s organisation and the researcher’s publications. This triangle of Person-Organisation-Document is the central issue which determines data quality in any system: it is necessary for us to unequivocally be able to identify each point of the triangle and to, in each instance, be able to unequivocally identify the connection between these three points...'


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Date tagged:

12/21/2012, 10:54

Date published:

12/21/2012, 05:54