Frontiers launches new open-access journal: Frontiers in Pediatrics 2013-01-02


"Frontiers, one of the world's fastest growing open-access publishers, announced today the launch of its new online journal in Pediatrics: Frontiers in Pediatrics. Frontiers has profoundly changed the academic publishing model by overcoming the restrictions posed by traditional journals through its rigorous real-time interactive peer-review and social networking platform. Based on its success over the last four years, Frontiers is branching out into 10 new scientific and medical fields, adding to its collection of 12 existing online journals, including Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Microbiology. Frontiers in Pediatrics is the first of these new journals to go live, initially with 11 specialty sections covering a range of specialist pediatric topics. More sections will complement this list soon... 'It is very exciting to see the Frontiers model been readily taken up by new academic fields. Frontiers not only aims at solving open-access publishing, but also the problems in peer-review, and the needs of scientists to network and collaborate with their peers as well as track their research impact, monitor the literature globally, and so much more,' says Kamila Markram, CEO of Frontiers and researcher at EPFL... Frontiers in Pediatrics will publish high-quality and rigorously peer-reviewed papers, where authors retain copyright to their work and reach an international audience through its open-access model and unique evaluation system.  The Specialties of Frontiers in Pediatrics welcome the following article types: Book Review, Classification, Clinical Case Study, Clinical Trial, CPC, Editorial, General Commentary, Hypothesis & Theory, Methods, Mini Review, Opinion, Original Research, Perspective, Review, Specialty Grand Challenge and Technology Report."


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Date tagged:

01/02/2013, 11:38

Date published:

01/02/2013, 06:38