LIBER | Scholarly Communication & Research Infrastructures - LIBER 2014-05-19


"The Scholarly Communication and Research Infrastructures Steering Committee is working within two broad areas:   [1] Scholarly Communication: with emerging topics such as linking publications to research data, combining licensing with open access or enhancing repository networks through ‘services on top of repositories’ such as usage statistics, text/data mining, research profiles etc. All of these work towards extending the goal of ‘access’ to the support of ‘(re-)use’ of resources and metadata. Moreover, Gold Open Access holds opportunities to make OA publishing more comfortable for researchers and to combine this with deposit in repositories. Open Access policies on the level of the European Union – with a view towards the new funding programme Horizon 2020 – look promising to further enhance and align institutional, national and European approaches. [2] Research Infrastructures: the group will focus on those infrastructures which can support the development and evolution of new scholarly communication paradigms. This area will require new skill sets, for example, managing new information types such research data, as well as awareness of national/international standards and policies at a local level. Research Infrastructures also present major opportunities, for example raising the profile of research libraries with universities and national/European policy making bodies, to re-gain close working relationships with researchers but also for new services such as linking research literature to research data. Libraries have the potential to contribute to the development of research infrastructures with their knowledge and practice of re-use of metadata and data, their repositories, knowledge of standards, formats, interoperability, authorities, ontologies, networks, consortia, etc."


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Tags: oa.metadata oa.licensing oa.copyright oa.altmetrics oa.horizon2020 oa.europe oa.mandates oa.funders oa.liber oa.comment ru.sparc oa.infrastructure oa.metrics oa.repositories oa.libre oa.policies oa.journals

Date tagged:

05/19/2014, 12:54

Date published:

05/19/2014, 02:00