New Online Journal, The Winnower, Looks to Change the Rules for Scientific Publishing - Washington Business Journal 2014-05-30
"The Winnower, an open access online science publishing platform that employs open post-publication peer review, was officially launched today. Founded by Virginia Tech graduate student Josh Nicholson, The Winnower serves as a cost-effective alternative to traditional scientific publishing and emphasizes transparency, open discussion and debate in all areas of science ... With The Winnower, the scientific publishing process has become a 'do it yourself' (DIY) endeavor. Authors upload their finished work to the website, where it is then immediately available to be read and reviewed by the Winnower community. Once reviewed, authors will have the ability to revise their works before a final paper is posted and given a digital object identifier (DOI). Additionally, reviews will be open for the duration of the paper's life, while article-level metrics and the reviews themselves will track the importance and accuracy of the paper. Content published with The Winnower will be licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license. In addition to published scientific papers, The Winnower will also feature two sections called 'The Grain' and 'The Chaff,' which will give an in-depth look at famous and infamous scientific works. The Grain will be comprised of short essays by authors of successful papers that will detail the work as well as the story behind the work, while The Chaff will highlight retracted papers and their authors and focus on the events that led to the failed studies and what can be learned from them ..."