FACT Seminar No. 1 | STM -- Licensing in an Open Access Environment: legal niceties, funder mandates and publishing challenges --London, UK, January 23, 2013

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-01-20


Use the link to access more information about the upcoming event: "The global growth of Gold Open Access publishing, especially in the UK where it has become Government policy, poses challenges to STM publishers in the field of copyright and licensing. Until recently, apart from being free to read and copy in a non-commercial environment, Gold OA articles have had a similar copyright status to their subscription cousins. Now research funding bodies are demanding more for paying to publish, some adopting policies whereby CC-BY licences are a requirement of payment. What will this mean for publishers? What is the landscape of rights options? How could the nascent Gold OA business model be affected? How might authors react? What will happen to reprints and secondary rights income? How will publishers and Collective Management Societies respond?"



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Date tagged:

01/20/2013, 11:43

Date published:

01/20/2013, 06:48