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SPARC Europe’s response to the inaccuracies in the article by the Daily Mail’s City Editor on 18 June « SPARC in Europe
abernard102's tagged items 06/19/2012 oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.licensing oa.comment oa.government oa.mandates oa.usa oa.frpaa oa.legislation oa.copyright oa.south oa.libraries oa.plos oa.australia oa.peer_review oa.impact oa.costs oa.prestige oa.sparc oa.prices oa.reports oa.spain oa.argentina oa.bmc oa.denmark oa.citations oa.sweden oa.benefits oa.harvard.u oa.budgets oa.canada oa.norway oa.belgium oa.economic_impact oa.europe oa.libre oa.policies oa.americansocietyofcriminology