Remix: Reading History


Reading has its origin in the appearance of writing in 3500 BC. C , when clay was used as a support for graphing, accounting for goods and merchandise, and retaining information. Reading was based for a long time on the understanding of symbols and simple codes that were only accessible to a small portion of the population that knew how to write, read and interpret them.

Through the years, the different civilizations developed an increasingly complex and rich script, given the need to transmit a greater quantity and quality of information. As writing became more complex, reading became a public and oral activity . When Reading invented The texts were read aloud in ancient Greece and in the rest of Europe among thinkers and monks.

The modern printing press that emerged in the fifteenth century allowed the dissemination of texts , which facilitated access to reading. The appearance of punctuation marks and the separation between characters made it easier to interpret the writings. An individual and silent reading began to develop , which by the 19th century spread among a large number of the population.

The techniques and forms of reading have remained almost unchanged since then. The appearance of new supports (material and digital) brought content closer to a large portion of humanity , although there are still millions of people in the world without access to this right.

