Remix: What is the oarfish and why is it believed that it announces earthquakes and other catastrophes?


The cases of Cozumel, Pichilingüe Bay and the Alaska Peninsula. 


The capture this Monday morning in the Chilean port of Arica of a five-meter, 80-centimeter long giant oarfish earthquake reminded us of the discovery of two specimens in Mexico in June and July 2020. In both cases, after a few days earthquakes occurred .


What happens is that it is very strange that these gigantic fish approach the surface of the sea and the beaches, since their habitat is in the depths of the oceans.

In the case of Mexico, there was a discovery of an oarfish (also known as sablefish) in Cozumel on June 11 and ten days later there was a 7.5 magnitude earthquake

A month later, another specimen appeared in Pichilingüe Bay, in the city of La Paz, and generated a climate of tension among Mexicans because this marine animal is known in Japanese culture for being a bad omen, which can portend disasters . environmental, such as earthquakes and tsunamis .


The oarfish was more than four meters long and was found on July 16 by David de Zabedrosky, editor of the World Climate Network, in a natural pool formed on a beach in Baja California Sur. He was dead and in a state of decomposition, Zabedrosky said.


A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck a few days later on the Alaska Peninsula , and a tsunami watch was issued causing residents to flee to high ground before the watch was canceled without recording dangerous waves.


The case recalled June 11, 2020 when  an oarfish was found in Cozumel and 10 days later an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale occurred  and a tsunami alert was issued for Mexico and the countries of the region. .

