Input feed: GigaOM Pro » Cleantech
How energy data will impact the smart grid
GigaOM Pro » Cleantech 03/19/2013
data algorithms energy renewable energy smart grid automation utilities feature networks cleantech smart meter research briefings energy-efficiency briefings analytics software autogrid bidgely cellular networks clean energy investment demand response demand-side energy management deregulation distribution management electric power electric power distribution electrical grid energy data energy hogs energy management energy management system energy savings energy storage grid sensors grid-balancing software home energy consumption home energy management mdms openadr public utilities commissions renewable energy generation renewable energy integration smart devices smart energy software services software-based solutions sustainable energy system operators thermostat hardware venture capital funding vinod khosla
11 steps for scaling a startup
GigaOM Pro » Cleantech 03/12/2013
business social startups mobile accounting taxes labor cloud finance employment hr insurance feature cleantech research briefings connected consumer employment law briefings business infrastructure business_finance credit card processing employee management financial economics future of work future of workplaces mergers and acquisitions payroll services strategic alliances