New Infographic: Good News in Fair Use for Libraries
ARL Policy Notes 2013-08-20
A new infographic released today tells the story of library fair use and the Code of Best Practices in a clear and compelling way. There’s an embeddable PNG for your own blogs, and there’s also a print-ready 8.5” x 11” version in case you need hardcopies to hand out at events.
The ARL Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries has been around for a year and a half, now, and we’ve seen how it’s changing practice around the country. The Code team has been on a whirlwind tour doing in-person events and webcasts to promote the Code all over the country. Now it’s time for library fair use enthusiasts to help spread the word, and this infographic is a powerful tool that can help pique interest in the Code itself and the overall story of how fair use has evolved to become a powerful users’ right. Share the link, embed the image on your site, print some copies for your next event, and help us keep moving libraries forward on this vital issue!