New Infographic: Good News in Fair Use for Libraries

ARL Policy Notes 2013-08-20


A new infographic released today tells the story of library fair use and the Code of Best Practices in a clear and compelling way. There’s an embeddable PNG for your own blogs, and there’s also a print-ready 8.5” x 11” version in case you need hardcopies to hand out at events.

Best Practices Infographic

The ARL Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries has been around for a year and a half, now, and we’ve seen how it’s changing practice around the country. The Code team has been on a whirlwind tour doing in-person events and webcasts to promote the Code all over the country. Now it’s time for library fair use enthusiasts to help spread the word, and this infographic is a powerful tool that can help pique interest in the Code itself and the overall story of how fair use has evolved to become a powerful users’ right. Share the link, embed the image on your site, print some copies for your next event, and help us keep moving libraries forward on this vital issue!


From feeds:

Fair Use Tracker » ARL Policy Notes


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Date tagged:

08/20/2013, 20:50

Date published:

08/20/2013, 15:45