On the tragic fate of PeerJ | Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-03-18
"I said last time that Jisc’s feeble transition-to-open-access report was the first of two disapointing scholarly-communication announcements that week. The second was of course the announcement that PeerJ has been acquired by Taylor and Francis....
So it’s tragic to see it being eaten by one of the legacy publishers.
What’s even more tragic is to see the founders, who I have liked and respected for more than a decade, spouting such transparent b.s. in the press release....
None of this is true. We know it’s not true. Pete and Jason know it’s not true. We know they know it’s not true. They know that we know they know. Why even insult us with this nonsense?
I suppose it’s part of the contract they signed with their new bosses, that they have to make public statements about how excited they are. But, seriously, who is buying this? ..."